- Homework (last week)
- Jonathan used pencil, not color pencil as required (I didn't remind him, my bad)
- 1st set of pictures were too small, 2 per page (he did it himself ...)
- good at lines, could improve some important detail, like eyes
- example: nice bear, with detailed fur spots (not covering whole bear)
<- very detail; <- very smart on tempo
- Class (color painting)
- ini. step: pencil with outlines & designs
- 1st step: color with outlines
- 2nd step: color with basic tone (color)
- 3rd step: color (cover) important lines
- 4th step: color (cover) important spot
- note: color painted late will overwritten original color
- note: color small shape/spot, even for same/similar color <-
- note: some important detail may need emphasize a little bit more: claws/beek/etc.
- Homework (next week)
- use oil paste to draw 2 animals, lean oil paste as brush during drawing
- next class, need marker