Wednesday, November 25, 2009


pick 2 toys at home, 6 positions (around 5 minute for each position) and 1 color for each toy\

Next week: Painting (brush & ink provided)
both small & big books, wear a T-shirt(?) as cover in case of getting dirty

3 different lines (black, green and blue in example) in (time) order.

Line order:
One side lines first to define sizes & positions
complete the shape with 2nd type lines
more detail in 3rd type lines

Line requirement:
Pay attention to line width/darkness (vary depends on line purpose)
quick/assurance, no erase, redraw lines if need correction

Why using color pencil?
- line thin & dark, thin & light, wide & dark, wide & light
- ink pen -> 6-B pencil
<= color pencil, holding horizontally, changing angle & strength for different line

coloring sketch
- color the cross sections ONLY between light sections with shadow sections


Topic: texture
Material: maker (light color mix)
Objects: 4 different sea creature with texture, star fish, seahorse, sea turtle, octopus

Color is not important itself.
Mixing different (light) color to show Nature texture.

Do not repeat to make pattern

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


  1. Review homework: halloween scene tune is too light, darken background to help focus
  2. Class drawing: continue previous Pumpkin coloring
    total 7 steps
    key points:
    - ideal ball vs. natural Pumpkin
    - different regions of light value:
    - in dark side (right bottom corner) dark to light slowly (reflection)
    - in light side (left top corner) dark to light quickly
    - also from middle to top, dark to light slowly, same middle to bottom (reflection)
    - Pumpkin has more mix region because it's natual stuff (not perfect ball)
    Pumpkin detail
    - fan shapes (check example on sketch book)
    - shadow: blue
    - dark: mix with blue, mix with green
  3. Homework
    - finish pumpkin coloring
    - fruit
    - finish Halloween scene
    - marker for next class

Monday, November 2, 2009

11/01/2009 -- Halloween Idea

Ideas in an art work is very important. Some art work the ideas are common, and some are unique. The idea of an art work could be surface, or inside. Last time there is one art work for moon festival, with an empty chair on beach facing the ocean, and footprints around the chair. Where is the person? (He walked away). Why? (Maybe he feels lonely on this moon festival day, when a family should be united and celebrate. )

This week's work focus on idea. Finish an art work on Halloween. Requirements:
1. Different size of objects
2. Different lights. (moonlight, indoor light, flashlights)
3. Difference in space, far objects, near objects
4. Mystery atomasphere.

I found it hard myself to think of an idea that is special and unique. Lets work on it.

Jonathan's Work: