Wednesday, November 25, 2009


pick 2 toys at home, 6 positions (around 5 minute for each position) and 1 color for each toy\

Next week: Painting (brush & ink provided)
both small & big books, wear a T-shirt(?) as cover in case of getting dirty

3 different lines (black, green and blue in example) in (time) order.

Line order:
One side lines first to define sizes & positions
complete the shape with 2nd type lines
more detail in 3rd type lines

Line requirement:
Pay attention to line width/darkness (vary depends on line purpose)
quick/assurance, no erase, redraw lines if need correction

Why using color pencil?
- line thin & dark, thin & light, wide & dark, wide & light
- ink pen -> 6-B pencil
<= color pencil, holding horizontally, changing angle & strength for different line

coloring sketch
- color the cross sections ONLY between light sections with shadow sections

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